
MechaX|Robots Overview

The display and introduction of all the Robots of the MechaX in the 2023 season

The display and introduction of all the Robots of the MechaX in the 2023 season

A brief description
As the team leader in RoboMaster 2022 season, I guided 10 tyros in robotics. All the following robots are designed and completed under my guidance as a technical adviser for RoboMaster 2023 season.

1. MX_1 Hero


Launches 42mm projectiles to cause tremendous damage to the opponents

2. MX_2 Engineer


Features flexible structure, competes for minerals to gain economic advantages

Infantry 3~5

Launches 17mm projectiles and activates the Power Rune to support the whole team

3. MX_3 Standard 3

Standard 3

4. MX_3 Standard 3

Standard 4

5. MX_5 Standard 5

Standard 5

6. MX_6 Aerial


Attacks from the air and provides a bird’s-eye view to the team

7. MX_7 Sentry


Fully automatic and serves as the last line of defense at the Base

8. MX_8 Dart System

Dart System

Launches Darts to attack the enemy’s Outpost and Base

Annex: The Competition Rules of RoboMaster University Championship(RMUC)2023